Willa Nolte, the founder and owner of Kanna Industries, grew up on a farm in the Karoo
he therefore knows first hand that every farm and each situation is unique.
For this reason we design and build purpose driven farm equipment
that will satisfy our clients’ specific needs.

Our Products

The Kanna Industries Hydraulic Wool Press (Fully Automated)

The Kanna Industries Hydraulic Wool Press is fully automated. The wool that is loaded into the machine gets pressed down into the storage unit by means of a plunger.

Electrical / Hydraulic Wool Press

The basic form and framework of our new electrical / hydraulic wool press is the same as our well known automatic wool press with the hydraulic powerpack.

Industrial Semi-Automatic Wool Press

We designed our semi-automatic wool press due to the fact that wool exporters need a machine that requires little maintenance while it manufactures thousands of bales.

Bale Loader

Our bale loader is a trailer that loads round bales, by it self, directly from the field and offloads it were needed. It can handle 6-9 bales at a time.

Cotton Bale Loader

Our Cotton Bale Loader can load a cotton bale with a mass of 2-3 tons. The Loader can be pulled behind a tractor of 100kW.

V-Shape sheep Conveyor

The V-Shaped sheep conveyor is a concept that easily helps the farmer or farm worker to have better control of the animal.

General Conveyor

The Kanna Industries General Conveyor can be used to upload and download general farming items such as feed, lusern and wool bales.


Our grader is designed to make any surface level by using the ground that is graded. The grading depth can be adjusted.


Are high quality trailers are specifically designed for African roads.

Kanna Children’s Toys

Our children’s toys division came about when Willa’s son was born. He wanted to give him toys that he could really play with.


Where To Find Us

We are located in Worcester, Western Cape.

Samuel Walterstraat 1,

Tel : (021) 010 0707
Fax: 086 443 2720

Email: willa@kannaindustries.co.za

Our Latest News

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’n Skare arbeiders is nie meer nodig om die werk op ’n plaas gedoen te kry nie. Daarvoor sorg Kanna Industries se nuwe veehanteringstoerusting. “Ons bou en toets tans nuwe veehanteringstoerusting, maar boere kan dit by NAMPO Kaap en Agri Megaweek kom bekyk,” sê Willa Nolte van Kanna…

Kanna se werktuie maak boerdery maklik

“Al waaroor ek spyt is met Kanna se wolpers, is dat ek hom nie al twintig jaar gelede gekry het nie,” vertel Bertie Swanepoel van die plaas Zuurfontein naby Smithfield…

Katoenbaallaaier: Kanna maak katoen ’n geldige keuse

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